Simulating Random Variations ============================ This app simulates the year—on year variations in the number of deaths due to low-risk causes in a large population. Note that the mathematical model used here assumes that the probabilities involved are much smaller than 1, so the app should not be used ‘out of context’. Double-click on “index.html” to open the app in a browser. Or, run the app online at Keyboard Shortcuts for accessibility: N: Simulate deaths in 1 year T: Simulate 20 years S: Start again F: Frequency graph Y: Yearly deaths graph P: Change population D: Change number of deaths H: High contrast mode on/off L: Low contrast mode on/off This is based on an Adobe Flash app written for Bowland Maths in 2008, but has now been re-written in HTML5 and TypeScript for compatibility with modern browsers and mobile devices. Author: Daniel Pead Original Flash App (c) 2008 Bowland Charitable Trust. This implementation (c) 2017 Shell Centre for Mathematical Education Publications, now assigned to BBDSC Trust May be distributed under the Creative Commons attribution non-commercial, share alike 4.0 international licence (including the TypeScript source code in Incorporates the third-party jQuery and svg.js libraries under the MIT license - see relevant source files for details - which is CC-A-NC-SA compatible.