Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy

Supporting materials – 13C

A more accurate quadratic solution


These examples show the effects of rounding errors in the simple quadratic equation sloving spreadsheet from 13A and a slighty improved version that is more accurate.

Simple quadratic solution with rounding errors – spreadsheet

Spreadsheet showing rounding errors when solving a quadratic equation - click to download file

Improved quadratic solution with rounding errors – spreadsheet

Improved version of spreadsheet - click to download file

Simple quadratic equation solution with rounding errors – Python

import math
# Enter the coefficients of the 
# quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c
# below
a = 1/10000
b = -999999999/100000000
c = -1/1000

# Simple solution 
d = b*b-4*a*c
print ( "Discriminant = ",d)

if d < 0:
    print ("No real solution")

x1 = (-b-math.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b+math.sqrt(d))/(2*a)

print("x = ",x1," or ",x2)

# Output:
# Discriminant =  100.00000019999999
# x =  -9.99999993922529e-05  or  100000.0

Improved quadratic equation solution – Python

import math
# Enter the coefficients of the 
# quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c
# below
a = 1/10000
b = -999999999/100000000
c = -1/1000

# Solution that reduces rounding errors
d = b*b-4*a*c
print ( "Discriminant = ",d)

if d < 0:
    print ("No real solution")

if b < 0:
    q = -0.5 * (b-math.sqrt(d))
    q = -0.5 * (b+math.sqrt(d))

x1 = q/a
x2 = c/q
print("x = ",x1," or ",x2)

# Output:
# Discriminant =  100.00000019999999
# x =  100000.0  or  -0.0001
The easiest way to experiment with the Python code is to click on Copy code above and then paste it into any online interpreter – such as this one from Python Principles.

The simple spreadsheets and python examples on this page may be copied freely.

Supporting material for the book Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy by Hugh Burkhardt, Daniel Pead and Kaye Stacey (ISBN 9781032301174).

Contents of ltml.mathlit.org website – except where specified otherwise and excluding external link content - Copyright © Hugh Burkhardt, Kaye Stacey, Daniel Pead 2024, all rights reserved. These materials are offered "as is" with no warranty as to accuracy or fitness for purpose.

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