Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy

Supporting materials – 4B

How risky is life

Bowland Maths/reSolve

Teachning modules on understanding risk – the original version is from Bowland Maths (UK), a substantially revised version was poduced for reSolve (AUS).

Bowland Maths: © 2008 Bowland Charitable Trust – free for educational use.
reSolve materials: © 2018 Australian Academy of Science – licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Developed at the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education

Supporting material for the book Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy by Hugh Burkhardt, Daniel Pead and Kaye Stacey (ISBN 9781032301174).

Contents of ltml.mathlit.org website – except where specified otherwise and excluding external link content - Copyright © Hugh Burkhardt, Kaye Stacey, Daniel Pead 2024, all rights reserved. These materials are offered "as is" with no warranty as to accuracy or fitness for purpose.

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